Minggu, 16 Desember 2012


5 tipe pria yang jago bercinta - Bagi anda para wanita, alangkah lebih baik jika anda mengetahui seluk beluk pria idaman anda agar kelak tidak menyesal ketika anda berdua telah menikah. Ternyata, pria itu ada yang mahir bercinta, dan ada juga yang kurang mahir bercinta. Pada kesempatan kali ini, akan kami berikan informasi mengenai beberapa pria yang jago bercinta. Anda penasaran? selengkapnya dapat anda simak informasi berikut ini

Pria yang memprioritaskan kebutuhan Anda lebih mahir bercinta, Gestur dan perilaku pria dalam kesehariannya atau cara pria memperlakukan pasangannya, dapat menunjukkan kemahirannya bercinta. 
1. Gentleman.
Perhatikan perilaku, sikap, dari pria yang memiliki karakter ini. Banyak perempuan mendambakan pria yang disebutnya sosok gentleman. Bukan semata pria yang kerap membukakan pintu untuk Anda, namun juga pria yang tak sungkan menunjukkan kepeduliannya terhadap pasangan. Pria tipe ini punya perhatian besar terhadap pasangan, dan selalu memikirkan keadaan Anda dan tahu cara tepat memperlakukan Anda. Termasuk memahami Anda saat bercinta.

2. Peka.
Si dia tak sungkan menggandeng tangan Anda saat berjalan bersama, atau sekadar menyentuh lembut saat makan malam, juga memberikan sentuhan mesra saat berduaan dengan Anda. Perilaku seperti ini menunjukkan si dia tahu caranya juga waktu tepat untuk menunjukkan perhatian melalui sentuhan. Kepekaan yang terlatih setiap harinya ini membuatnya lebih mahir saat bercinta.

3. Tak egois.
Sebagian pria fokus pada dirinya sendiri. Alih-alih memberikan perhatian pada pasangan, ia justru sibuk membicarakan apa yang terjadi pada dirinya sepanjang hari, atau kegiatan apa yang ingin dilakukannya.

Pria yang mengedepankan Anda daripada kepentingan dirinya, menandakan perhatian besar yang ditujukan untuk pasangan bukan dirinya. Baginya kebahagiaan Anda menjadi prioritas. Kebiasaan seperti ini juga terbawa saat Anda bercinta dengannya. Si dia tak egois hanya memikirkan diri sendiri, namun lebih ingin membahagiakan Anda termasuk di tempat tidur.

4. Sabar.
Pria yang mau mengenal Anda lebih dekat, menjalani berbagai aktivitas bersama dalam rangka saling memahami kepribadian menunjukkan kesabarannya dalam membina hubungan. Sekaligus juga menunjukkan ketertarikannya terhadap Anda dan keinginannya untuk membangun hubungan jangka panjang. Pria tipe ini bersedia menunggu kesiapan Anda, termasuk saat bercinta. Ia takkan memaksakan kehendaknya kepada Anda.

5. Membuat Anda lebih percaya diri.
Si dia tak sungkan memberikan pujian atau mengungkapkan dukungannya terhadap Anda. Caranya memandang dan memperlakukan Anda, membuat Anda merasa cerdas, seksi dan atraktif. Perlakuan pria yang membuat pasangannya merasa istimewa dan menambah kepercayaan diri Anda setiap harinya, menjadi tanda bahwa si dia juga mampu membuat Anda merasa hebat dalam seks. Dengan kata lain, pria tipe ini punya kemampuan lebih dalam bercinta.


5 Rahasia pria yang tak pernah diungkapkan - Jika anda adalah seorang wanita, sepertinya anda wajib membaca artikel kali ini sampai selesai. Karena, pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan memberikan informasi mengenai beberapa rahasia pria yang tak pernah diungkapkan. Anda penasaran? selengkapnya, silahkan anda simak informasi berikut ini

Walaupun sudah dekat dengan pasangan, ada rahasia yang tetap disimpan pria. Saat hubungan dengan kekasih semakin dekat, sebagian wanita merasa kalau pasangannya telah membeberkan segalanya. Namun, ada hal-hal tertentu yang tidak akan diberitahukan pria kepada pasangannya.

Mengetahui hal-hal yang dirahasiakan pasangan dapat membantu memahami mereka lebih baik dan meningkatkan hubungan Anda berdua. 
Berikut 5 RAHASIA PRIA YANG TAK PERNAH DIUNGKAPKAN, seperti dikutip dari Times of India:

1. Ingin Anda bergaul dengan teman-temannya, tapi tidak mencintai mereka
Seorang pria ingin kekasihnya bergaul dengan teman-temannya, tapi dia juga tak setuju bila Anda bergaul dengan mereka sepanjang waktu. Terlebih lagi, Anda malah "jatuh cinta" pada teman mainnya itu.

2. Tak suka kalau Anda sangat terobsesi dengan tubuh atletis

Mengagumi ketampanan dan tubuh Brad Pitt bukan sebuah masalah bagi sebagian pria, namun pria juga tak suka bila pasangan terlalu terobsesi dengan tubuh kelewat atletis. Jangan heran jika pria juga memuji Jessica Alba saat merasa kesal.

3. Merasa khawatir bila Anda menemukan seseorang yang lebih baik
Bukan hanya wanita yang khawatir kehilangan pasangan karena wanita lain yang lebih seksi, pria pun merasakan ketidaknyamanan ini. Hanya saja mereka bisa menyembunyikannya lebih baik daripada kebanyakan wanita.

4. Pria tak memeluk hanya sekadar ingin bercinta
Bila menganggap hanya wanita yang ingin sekadar berpegangan tangan atau bersandar di lengan pasangan, Anda keliru! Kendati tak seorang pria pun akan mengakuinya, pria sebenarnya juga menikmati sesi kasih sayang bersama pasangan.

Bukan berarti dia tak memiliki pikiran nakal dalam kepalanya, tapi kadang ada saat-saat pengecualian.

5. Tak ingin pasangan tahu apa yang dilakukan saat bersama teman-temannya
Apakah mereka bercakap-cakap dengan sesama teman mengenai wanita, hobi dan kesenangan, jangan berharap seorang pria mengungkapkannya pada Anda. Dan, mungkin memang lebih baik begitu.


4 efek pelukan yang tak terduga - Berpelukan sering dilakukan oleh hampir semua pasangan. Namun, tahukah anda bahwa ternyata dibalik pelukan tersebut terdapat efek yang mungkin tidak akan pernah anda duga sebelumnya. Pada kesempatan kali ini, akan kami berikan kepada anda informasi lengkapnya. Seperti apakah efeknya?selengkapnya dapat anda simak informasi berikut inI

Memeluk seseorang yang Anda sayangi sebanyak empat kali per hari bisa menjauhkan depresi.

Tak perlu ragu mengungkapkan sayang dan cinta yang Anda rasakan pada anak, suami, istri, dan orangtua dengan sentuhan. Sebab memeluk, memegang tangan, atau mengusap kepala, terbukti membuat hidup seseorang lebih bahagia. Anda ingin tahu manfaat lain dari dekapan Anda pada si dia maupun anggota keluarga lainnya?

1. Sentuhan dari orang yang kita sayangi akan meningkatkan jumlah hemoglobin di dalam darah. Seperti yang kita tahu, hemoglobin merupakan salah satu bagian dari tubuh yang membawa oksigen ke seluruh tubuh, termasuk jantung dan otak. Suplai hemoglobin yang meningkat ini dipercaya secara ilmiah akan mempercepat proses penyembuhan setelah sakit.

2. Memeluk seseorang yang Anda sayangi sebanyak empat kali per hari bisa menjauhkan depresi. Malah secara ilmiah, delapan pelukan sehari akan memberikan kestabilan mental yang lebih kokoh, dan 12 pelukan sehari akan membantu perkembangan psikologis seseorang. Penelitian lain menyebutkan manfaat pelukan, di antaranya mengurangi stres, membantu pola tidur yang sehat, memberi semangat, dan meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.

3. Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan University of California juga membuktikan betapa dahsyatnya sentuhan dari suami, istri, bahkan pacar. Sebanyak 25 perempuan yang menjadi objek penelitian diberi semacam panas yang membuat mereka merasa kesakitan. Lalu mereka dipersilakan memegang bola kecil, tangan pria asing, dan tentunya tangan pasangan. Ajaibnya, ketika mereka saling berpegangan dengan tangan pasangan, rasa sakit yang dirasakan jauh berkurang dibandingkan ketika mereka memegang bola kecil atau tangan pria asing.

4. Penelitian yang dipublikasikan oleh Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health mengungkapkan fakta bahwa bayi yang sedari lahir selalu diberi sentuhan (pelukan, ciuman, belaian) pertanda kasih sayang oleh orangtuanya tumbuh menjadi pribadi yang tak mudah stres.


Dalam banyak budaya di dunia, kematian adalah sesuatu yang sakral sehingga diperlukan sebuah upacara khusus untuk menghormati atau mengenang mereka yang mati. Penguburan mayat dan kremasi adalah sebuah ritual kematian yang biasa ditemui. Namun, percayakah anda bahwa ada beberapa budaya yang tidak lazim kita temui seperti membuang mayat, berdansa dengan mayat, hingga yang paling mengerikan adalah ritual memakan mayat? Berikut ini adalah 10 budaya yang tidak lazim dalam ritual kematian.

1. Pemakaman Langit atau sky burial

Iklim keras Tibet dan tanah berbatu-batu membuat pemakaman di sana terasa mustahil. Jadi, warga Buddha di Tibet sering pergi untuk sebuah “pemakaman langit” di mana tubuh akan dicincang, dicampur dengan tepung dan diatur sedemikian rupa agar dimakan oleh burung-burung pemakan bangkai. Mereka percaya bahwa tubuh hanyalah sebuah kapal untuk jiwa dan harus kembali ke alam.

2. Peti mati Fantasi

Jika saja Elvis Presley meninggal di Teshi (Ghana), maka dia akan dikuburkan dalam sebuah peti mati berbentuk gitar. Warga pinggiran Accran ini mempunyai kebiasaan menguburkan mereka yang mati dalam peti mati fantasi. Peti mati ini mengambarkan profesi almarhum. Replika raksasa botol coke, buah-buahan atau gadget lainnya akan ditampilkan di ruang pamer peti mati.

3. Mumifikasi Diri Sendiri

Hal ini membuat ritual menjelang kematian terdengar seperti lelucon. Beberapa biksu Budha yang disebut Sokushinbutsu di Jepang tidak hanya melakukan bunuh diri, mereka juga melakukannya dengan cara yang dipercaya menyebabkan mereka menjadi mumi. Proses ini dimulai dengan diet kacang dan buah-buahan yang dikombinasikan dengan kegiatan fisik yang keras. Penghapusan lemak tubuh tercapai dengan langkah pertama. Langkah kedua melibatkan kehilangan cairan tubuh dan meracuni tubuh mereka untuk mencegah serangan belatung. Ini dicapai dengan mengkonsumsi kulit, akar dan teh beracun selama 1000 hari.

Pada tahap terakhir, biarawan itu akan memasuki sebuah makam batu, duduk dalam posisi lotus dan menunggu kematian. Dia akan membunyikan lonceng setiap hari untuk membiarkan sesama biarawan tahu bahwa dia masih hidup. Dan kemudian ketika lonceng tidak lagi berbunyi, para biarawan akan menyegel makam, menunggu 1000 hari lagi sebelum membukanya untuk memverifikasi mumifikasi itu.

4. Exposure – Tower of Mumbai

Zoroastrianisme percaya bahwa setelah kematian tubuh hanya membuat pencemaran saja. Kremasi atau penguburan dikesampingkan karena mereka beranggapan akan mencemari unsur-unsur sakral seperti api dan bumi. Jadi, mereka melakukan sebuah ritual yang disebut eksposure orang mati. Tubuh almarhum disimpan di menara yang disebut Tower of Silence dan dibiarkan dimakan oleh burung nasar.

Praktek ini sekarang masih dilakukan di anak benua India. Berkurangnya populasi Hering burung pemakan bangkai di India telah menyebabkan proses ini menjadi mengerikan. Beberapa Foto terakhir menunjukkan tumpukan mayat semakin membusuk di atas Tower di Mumbai (India), dan membangkitkan kontroversi dalam masyarakat.

5. Pemakaman Dengan Penari Telanjang

Menghadiri upacara kematian dapat menjadi membosankan, kecuali ada penari telanjang profesional di pemakaman. Di wilayah Donghai China, pemakaman sebenarnya simbol status. Reputasi orang mati dan kehormatan dianggap berbanding lurus dengan jumlah orang yang menghadiri pemakamannya. Jadi, keluarga menyewa penari telanjang untuk menarik orang banyak. Pihak berwenang Cina telah mulai menindak praktek ini setelah gencarnya media memberitakan.

6. Berdansa Dengan Orang Mati

Percaya atau tidak, orang Malagasi di Madagaskar mengeluarkan orang mati dari kubur dan melakukan perayaan bersama mereka. Ritual yang disebut Famadihana ini meyakini semangat almarhum akan bergabung dengan nenek moyang mereka setelah tubuhnya membusuk. Perayaan yang diiringi dengan tarian-tarian bersama mayat ini diadakan sekali setiap 7 tahun sekali dan merupakan waktu reuni keluarga bersukacita.

7. Kematian yang mempesona

Orang-orang sekarang dapat “memakai” orang yang mereka cintai di jari-jari mereka. Sebuah perusahaan Amerika yaitu LifeGem menawarkan kesempatan bagi mereka yang mati dan dicintai menjadi sebuah berlian sintetik. Proses ini dimulai dengan menangkap karbon dari tubuh pada saat dikremasi dari almarhum. Karbon dari tubuh orang mati ini kemudian diubah menjadi grafit. selanjutnya menjalani sebuah proses dengan suhu dan tekanan yang sangat tinggi untuk mendapatkan kristal mengkilap seperti berlian. Harganya berkisar dari $ 3500 sampai $ 20,000 tergantung pada ukuran karat.

8. Puasa Untuk Kematian

Vimla Devi, seorang wanita India melawan kanker, meninggal pada 2006. Penyebab kematian itu bukan kanker, tapi puasa selama 13 hari yang disebut santhara. Ini kematian sukarela dengan puasa yang dipraktekkan oleh Jain, sebuah komunitas yang percaya anti kekerasan terhadap semua makhluk. Santhara biasanya dimulai setelah orang memutuskan bahwa tujuan hidupnya sudah tercapai dan siap untuk pemurnian spiritual. Dikenal ritual yang mirip, yang sering dianggap sebagai bentuk bunuh diri atau euthanasia. Namun, dalam komunitas, santhara menabukan hal ini.

9. Pemakaman Tana Toraja

Pemakaman di wilayah Tana Toraja Indonesia adalah sebuah ritual agung. Upacara pemakaman disertai dengan musik, tari-tarian dan pesta untuk sejumlah tamu. Kematian di sini adalah sebuah kesempatan mewah dengan harga yang mahal. Jadi, keluarga almarhum diberikan penangguhan, mereka tidak perlu menguburkan tubuh mayat dengan segera.

Mereka hanya dapat membungkusnya dan menyimpannya di dalam rumah mereka, sementara mereka menabung untuk biaya pemakaman. Tabungan dapat waktu berminggu-minggu, bulan atau bahkan bertahun-tahun. Sementara waktu itu, mayat diperlakukan sebagai orang sakit dan dimasukkan dalam rutinitas sehari-hari. Sebuah pemakaman yang sebenarnya terjadi ketika keluarga melakukan upacara kematian, dan peti mati ditempatkan di kuburan berupa gua atau tergantung di tebing.

10. Endocannibalisme

Mungkin inilah ritual kematian terburuk yang pernah ada. Endocannibalisme adalah praktik dimana orang memakan tubuh orang yang mati. Ide di balik kebiasaan mengerikan ini adalah kepercayaan bahwa dengan memakan tubuh si mati, maka sekaligus akan “menghisap” sifat-sifat almarhum untuk asimilasi roh. Beberapa suku di Amerika Selatan dan Australia dikatakan telah mempraktekkan ritual menyeramkan ini.

Tapi banyak akademisi merasa endocannibalisme adalah tuduhan palsu yang dilemparkan oleh kolonial pada masa awal untuk mendapatkan alasan dominasi politik. Menurut antropolog Napoleon Changon, komunitas Yanomamo di Amerika Selatan masih memakan abu dan sisa tulang orang yang mati setelah dikremasi.

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

10 Lokasi Tempat Wisata Pulau Termewah dan Indah Di Dunia

Santorini, Yunani
Tak hanya pantai dan laut Yunani yang indah, lokasi ini dipercantik susunan pemukiman yang didominasi warna putih dan biru. Banyak digunakan untuk setting film karena keramahan penduduk dan suasananya yang relatif tenang.

Kekayaan wisata milik bangsa ini sudah tak diragukan lagi popularitasnya di mancanegara. Tak hanya pantai, keindahan hamparan sawah juga menjadi daya tarik istimewa dari pulau dewata ini.

Cape Breton, Kanada
Kepulauan yang terletak di propinsi Nova Scotia, Kanada ini memiliki pantai yang cenderung sejuk karena posisinya lebih didominasi oleh pegunungan. Diperkaya dengan budaya musik Celtic Folk khas penduduk sekitar.

Boracay, Filipina
Pantai Boracay telah menerima banyak penghargaan dari banyak majalah travel akan keindahan panoramanya hingga industri perhotelannya yang berkonsep alami. Terletak di bagian selatan Manila dan mulai ramai dikunjungi di Asia setelah Bali.

Great Barrier Reef Islands, Australia
Salah satu kekayaan alam Australia yang menyajikan pemandangan bawah laut terbesar di dunia. Dengan lebih dari 3 ribu spesies yang hidup di habitat koral, tempat ini juga menjadi destinasi menyelam dan snorkeling.

Sicily, Italia
Kekayaan budaya seni, literatur, makanan, arsitektur hingga bahasa terasa begitu beragam di sini. Dengan pemandangan laut Mediterania dan berkembangnya bisnis properti, dijamin akan memanjakan mata para turis yang datang berkunjung.

Big Island, Hawaii
Pulau ini merupakan pulau yang terbilang baru diekspos dari sekian banyak gugusan kepulauan Hawaii. Dengan kekayaan objek wisata seperti gunung laut tertinggi dan taman nasional terbesar, memberikan variasi petualangan yang baru.

Masih di Hawaii, Kauai menyajikan pengalaman wisata yang berbeda dengan ekplorasi historis, mulai dari kota kecil Hanapepe dan Koloa yang dihuni penduduk lokal, hingga pantai ala surga di Poipu dan Hanalei Bay.

Kembali ke Hawaii, pulai ini terpilih berulang kali sebagai 'Best Island' oleh majalah Conde Nast Traveler selama belasan tahun. Dengan air laut hangat hingga seni dan budaya Kahului, membuat turis tak akan melupakan liburannya.

Dengan populasi 23 ribu orang, pulau ini masih tergabung dalam Ekuador. Keindahan taman nasional hingga pantai yang dulu menjadi persinggahan para bajak laut juga menyimpan banyak misteri bagi para turis.

Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Men’s Ten Biggest Complaints About Women

No matter how many women write in to say, ‘I don’t do this!’ the fact is many, many, many women practice the behavior that follows. Men have complained about these problems in various male-oriented forums before, but here, now, I drag their 10 biggest complaints into the daylight so that everyone can finally see how women make complainers out of men.

You like to play coy.

If you like us, let us know. If you don’t, let us go. This game where you pretend you don’t care and secretly hope we chase you down is for teenagers. You think men like the chase? Perhaps. You think we like guessing whether we’re wasting our time? No.

You fixate on what we’re thinking, when you should be watching what we’re doing.

You ask, “What are you thinking?” and we say, “Nothing.” You figure this must be a lie, and decide that we aren’t willing to communicate with you. The problem is, this is the wrong question to ask. We’re action-oriented. You don’t need to ask what we’re thinking, just watch what we’re doing. Coming home late every night? We’re not happy at home. Uninterested in sex, probably crushed by stress. Not calling you back even though we said, “I love you?” We don’t love you. You can save the questions about musings until you see a change in our behavior. That’s the surest sign that something needs to be discussed.

You don’t understand and/or like our need for alone time.

This often expresses itself with regard to hobbies. Say a man likes to play golf and has played for years. Many a man has gotten into a relationship only to have the woman complain about the time he spends playing golf. She’s jealous of this time. Of course, if she loves him she should know that he NEEDS this time on the golf course. It’s his passion. It’s his release. Without it he will burn up with anxiety and frustration over life’s little indignities. Why does she get involved with a man who has a hobby she doesn’t like? See ”You see us as projects you can fix.”

You have a complicated set of double standards.

I could write a novel on this one. We only need look at the example of going dutch on a first date. You offer to split the check, and if we let you, you hold it against us. Really? You demand, quite rightly, to be in on all important relationship decisions, yet when we take you out and ask, “What would you like to do tonight?” you are angry that we haven’t taken charge of the situation. It’s a confusing set of double standards and antiquated rules that make it very difficult for us to know which move is the right one.

You want us to change, and then lose respect for us when we do.

It’s an interesting phenomenon. When a man and a woman get together it is likely that he will have some hobbies, tendencies, or habits that she doesn’t like. For instance, I have a friend that met and married a woman who wasn’t thrilled that he played in a band. She was a bit threatened by the attention he received and his time spent pursuing this. She told him, “I really wish you didn’t play in this band,” and because he loved her, he quit. Within a few months this woman was confiding to her friends, “I’m a little less attracted to him because he quit the band, and just did what I asked. Now, he just hangs out at home.” It’s a specific example, but a common problem. Clearly, the man should do what he feels he has to do, but we try to be accommodating, and to have that count against us is infuriating.

You see us as projects you can 'fix.'

You meet us. You like us. You date us. You marry us. And somewhere along the way it might seem that you love us just as we are, but rarely does it work out that way. Women see potential. They see rough edges, and they want to sand them off. This makes us crazy. We don’t want to change. We have chosen our car, hair, friends, home and hobbies because we enjoy them. The knowledge that you are thinking, “If he could only...” is a deeply disturbing thought, and perhaps more sinister is the idea that this behavior is so common that even if you aren’t the kind of woman who wants change, we expect that you do and are only biding your time.

Your expectations are set by Hollywood and sky high.

Hollywood strikes again. I have a buddy that has plans to attend a Nicholas Sparks book signing so he can tell the man to KNOCK IT OFF! Most women know at an intellectual level that their man isn’t going to be like George Clooney, or Brad Pitt or that Italian guy from 'Under the Tuscan Sun', but in their heart they want it. They’ve been fed a fantasy about romance and passion for so long that when a REAL act of love comes down the pike, he notices that the tread on your tires is low and buys a new set, it hardly even registers.

You're always looking down the road.

Women tend to think about the next major step in life. Men tend to think about the next major meal. Certainly part of this is driven by biology. A 34-year-old single woman who wants to have children has to think about the future. She has to think about finding a quality partner, where they are going to live, is there enough room for the baby in the study? A 34-year-old single man has far less interest in planning or pushing towards some future major life goal. This difference in priorities often leaves women in the unpleasant position of saying, “next,” “next,” “next” when it comes to relationship events. There is a female drive to get answers to questions like, “What ARE we?”, “Are we exclusive yet?”, “Are we going to get married?” that makes it seem like they aren’t enjoying the now and only worry about the future.

You use your emotions as a weapon.

You don’t mean to. I suppose it isn’t your fault that during an important conversation about the future of our relationship you start crying, but surely you understand that this derails the ability to pursue the issue at hand. You’ve, essentially, played a kind of trump card. If we continue to advocate our side, we’re bullies. If we give in, we’re weak.

You have a tendency to be critical.

I’ve tried to avoid the word n-a-g, but there seems to be some internal mechanism that makes women predisposed to criticism, in the same way that men are predisposed to seek their man cave. It’s almost a cliché -- the wife that complains and makes demands, and the husband that just wants to be left alone to watch TV or work out in the garage.

Getting Happy: The Nine Things You Need to Know

Create Your own set of 'Flow' Experiences

According to Mihily Csikszentmihalyi, being in a state of "flow", the completely focused motivation and attention required for a given activity, is an indicator as important as reporting feelings of happiness. This, he says, is what “makes for excellence in life.” Flow activities are those where you are challenged to a level that requires your full attention, where you enjoy the process and where you likely lose track of time. Skiing, cooking, gardening, hiking and singing are just a few examples of flow activities. 

Wake Up!

The surest path to finding your own sense of personal happiness and balance is built upon an awareness of future possibilities and the extreme truth of the present moment. Many ancient traditions know that the cultivation of mindfulness is an essential element of happiness. How can you be mindful and present when life demands have you running from one thing to the next? For one, take delight in the senses. Wake up in the morning with full, cleansing breaths and welcome the day with gratitude. Sit and eat. Really taste your food. Take a breath and focus for just three seconds before answering your phone. Try those three things and see what a difference it makes.

Learn to Forgive

It has been said that hatred is like a poison pill which you ingest...and only cause damage to yourself. Think of forgiveness as something you do for yourself. Research shows that forgiving-types of people are less likely to be depressed, anxious or hold hostile feelings and are more likely to be agreeable, serene, healthier -- the kind of person who has strong connections with others.

Staying Happy while Coping with Problems

There are two ways to remain positive while dealing with life’s curve balls. Engage in problem-focused coping, which involves action strategies and engaging in small steps to actually solve the issue at hand. Feel like you are doing something, even one small thing towards resolving or ameliorating the situation. The other way to cope is focused on emotions. This involves things like accepting rather than denying the situation and keeping yourself balanced through activities which help you including meditation, music and social support.

Practice Acts of Kindness

Being kind to others is not only good for the recipient -- but for you as well. According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness, kindness is like a natural tonic relieving guilt, distress and stress. And it’s contagious. When you are kind to others it may likely jumpstart a domino effect of positive social consequences as people literally pay that kindness forward to someone else.

It's All About Relationships

It has been said that our number one health epidemic is social isolation. More women are living alone now than ever before. Having meaningful social connections is essential. You can actually boost happiness in your life by investing in nurturing, emotionally healthy social relationships. Value your friendships and spend time with the quality people in your life.

Happiness Misconceptions

Many of us have been programmed to believe that material things will make us lastingly happy (money, going shopping, etc). The reality is that the ability to purchase things and have the status associated with money falls into the 10% category of life’s circumstances. And 10% isn’t all that much. True, lasting happiness is an “inside-out” experience.

The Happiness Factor

Happiness is not a vague notion but can be understood as being 50% genetic; 10% based on circumstances like a new car, whether we are rich or poor, generally healthy or unhealthy; a full 40% of our sense of happiness is dependent upon our lifestyle and choices. The good news? Only 50% of our happiness is actually genetically predetermined. The other half of the equation is entirely up to us – meaning we can create happiness in our choices and life activities.

Know Where You are Headed

People who strive for something significant to them, who actively set goals and have aspirations, report being happier. They create a roadmap for themselves and therefore avoid feeling lost. What we’ve found is that the process of working towards a goal is as important as that goals' attainment. Create some short term goals to get started, allowing them to add structure and an anchor to your daily experience -- and see how you feel.

About the Author: Barbara Waxman is a life and executive coach and author. The purpose of her work is to help adults at midlife and better to harness their personal and professional goals. Barbara is a regular guest on Leeza Gibbon’s Hollywood Confidential radio program, and has been featured on CNBC.com, Newsday, SmartMoney.com (WSJ) and U.S. News & World Report. She is a gerontologist and certified coach through the Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara. She is a member of both the International Coach Federation and GILD (Global Institute for Leadership Development) Coaching Faculty. She is the special editor of How to Love Your Retirement, the most comprehensive collection of real advice from retirees transitioning to, and thriving in, retirement.

9 Simple Things About Men That Women Tend To Find Sexy

Every woman has at least one favorite mannerism about a guy that automatically moves him on your “he could get it” list. Whether it be a certain feature in his physical or a certain mannerism he does one thing is for sure, and that is that “that thing” alone is liable to leave your mind running rampant just thinking about what’s going on in his head. I’m sorry to let you know but ladies we all have a favorite “thing” a guy (especially if he’s nice on the eyes) does that instantly makes us melt inside. Check out 9 simple things men do that some women find sexy below:

9. The “LL” factor. You know what I’m talking about ladies, that certain way he licks his lips that makes you look to the right and arch your left eyebrow ’cause you’re left speechless. I really need for you to feel me on this one ladies, I cannot be the only one that silently goes crazy inside for the “LL” factor. I just can’t.
8. Dark eyes and long lashes. This one may sound a little metro-sexual but in my opinion there is just something about a guy with a beautiful set of thick, long, full lashes and deep dark brown eyes that seem to tell their own story. Nice eyes and nice lashes can make up for guys that have that “rough around the edges” look to them, it tends to soften them up a bit.
7. The eyebrow raise. The eyebrow raise is inevitable, you can’t look past it and you can’t escape it. It lingers in your mind leaving you wondering what the hell that meant, was he suggesting something? What was he thinking about when he did it? And Damn, was that sexy! Ladies, try as you might but you will surely fail against the battle of the eyebrow arch, this always leaves an imprint in your mind, always has and always will.
6. The way he wears his clothes. Now fellas, take notes because this one directly applies to YOU. It is NOT and NEVER was attractive to sag. I repeat fellas, it is not and never was attractive to sag. Now it’s a certain point where a man’s pants should fall where it’s actually sexy. Then it’s a certain point where a man’s pants should not fall, and that borders somewhere along the lines of a Soulja Boy extra tall Tee, trash bag baggy jeans sag past his knees type sag.  That fellas, is not even almost cute. Pull it up and find that balance to where it’s just right. Hint: Personally, I like to be able to just see the label of the boxers and no further then that, but that’s just me.

Cara memutihkan kulit wajah

1. Memutihkan wajah dengan Bengkoang
Sobat dapat menfaatkan masker dan lulur bengkoang untuk memutihkan dan menghaluskan kulit. Karena bengkoang mengandung fosfor dan kalsium alami, yang dapat menjadikan kulit lebih putih, sehat, dan bersih.

2. Memutihkan wajah dengan Jeruk Nipis
Selain dapat dijadikan sebagai minuman atau penyedap makanan, jeruk nipis juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu memutihkan kulit dengan cara mengusapkan potongan jeruk nipis pada bagian tubuh yang ingin kulitnya tampak putih, seperti pada wajah.

3. Memutihkan wajah dengan buah pisang dan madu
Ambil satu buat pisang ambon, kupas kemudia lumatkan hinga halus. Tambahkan satu sendok teh : madu lalu aduk rata. Oleskan pada seluruh bagian wajah termasuk leher dan diamkan selama 15 menit dan setelah itu cuci bersih dengan air dingin. Hal ini sama saja dengan istilah membuat masker wajah dengan buah pisang dan madu. Lakukan hal ini rutin sekali dalam sehari dan niscaya kulita wajah akan terlihat lebih putih dan halus.

4. Memutihkan wajah dengan buah Alpukat
Buah Alpukat banyak mengandung vitamin, mineral dan minyak alami yang dapat membantu sobat untuk mempercatik dan menyehatkan kulit. Sobat dapat memanfaatkan bagian dalam kulit alpukat yang mampu menahan kelembaban kulit. Gosokkan dengan lembut pada bagian wajah yang ingin tampak lebih putih, dan bilas dengan air setelah 15 menit.

Cara memutihkan kulit tubuh

Nah, apabila anda adalah orang yang menganggap kulit putih itu lebih baik dan berniat membuat kulit anda menjadi lebih cerah, anda tidak perlu khawatir karena sudah banyak metode yang bisa dilakukan untuk mendapatkan kulit putih.

Tips dibawah ini adalah beberapa cara memutihkan kulit secara alami yang bisa membuahkan hasil apabila dilakukan secara konsisten.
1. Pastikan untuk mencuci kulit secara menyeluruh minimal dua kali sehari dengan menggunakan sabun serta kain lap. Bilas kulit menggunakan sabun dan mengelapnya dengan kain lap sehingga kulit bersih dari sabun. Pada dasarnya, kain lap lembut membantu pengelupasan sel-sel kulit mati. Anda juga dapat menggunakan air jeruk nipis dan masker tomat di kulit setiap pagi sebelum mencuci muka. Untuk membuat air jeruk nipis dan masker tomat, campurkan sepotong tomat dengan segelas jus jeruk nipis dalam blender. Setelah itu, oleskan lapisan masker ini dengan tipis pada kulit dan biarkan selama 10-15 menit. Jika maskernya masih tersisa, Kamu bisa menyimpannya dalam wadah yang tertutup rapat selama seminggu untuk bisa digunakan kembali.

2. Bersihkan masker dengan menggunakan air dingin dan sabun serta lap kain. Sadarilah bahwa jus jeruk nipis, menjadi asam alami, memiliki kecenderungan untuk menyengat kulit Kamu dan itu merupakan gejala normal. Bila digunakan secara teratur, kulit akan terbiasa dan sensasi tersebut akan berkurang.

3. Sebelum tidur, jangan lupa menerapkan jus lemon dan masker madu. Campuran satu sendok teh madu dengan satu sendok teh jus lemon. Lalu, oleskan ke kulit Kamu dan biarkan selama setidaknya 10 sampai 15 menit. Setelah itu, bilas menggunakan air hangat. Madu berfungsi untuk melembabkan kulit sedangkan lemon berguna buat memutihkan kulit.

4. Gunakan gel lidah buaya organik 2 kali dalam sehari (pagi dan malam) setelah mencuci kulit. Lidah buaya dapat berfungsi sebagai pelembab, menyembuhkan iritasi, dan mencerahkan kulit.

5. Eksfoliasi kulit menggunakan gula pasir dan minyak zaitun. Campurkan 1 sdm minyak zaitun dan 1sdm gula pasir, buatlah seperti pasta. Gunakan jari untuk menggosokkan ke kulit dengan gerakan memutar.Hati-hati kulit di sekitar mata, jangan sampai pasta terkena mata. Cara ini akan menghilangkan sel-sel kulit mati di lapisan permukaan, memerlihatkan dan mendorong pertumbuhan kulit baru, serta membuat kulit terlihat segar.

6. Lemon jus dan putih telur dapat digunakan untuk membuat krim pemutih kulit secara alami di rumah.

Caranya sebagai berikut:Ambil putih telur dan jus lemon dengan takaran yang sama. Campur kedua bahan tersebut dan panaskan di wajan kecil. Tunggu sampai campuran berubah menjadi semi-padat. Kemudian keluarkan krim tersebut dari wajan dan simpan di dalam toples. Masukan ke kulkas sampai dingin. Oleskan krim tersebut pada kulit di tubuh/badan Anda dan tunggu sampai 15 menit sebelum dibilas.

Hal ini sangat efektif untuk menghilangkan flek hitam dari sinar matahari. Gunakan krim ini setiap hari sampai Anda mendapatkan warna kulit putih bersih yang diinginkan.

I Love the Morning

Today’s message is going to be more of a confession than anything else.  Not the kind of confession that requires a priest or an attorney, mind you, but one that simply allows another glimpse into the personal world of yours truly.  Here is my confession:  I don’t know about you, but I love the morning.  I tend to go to bed early because I’m typically up between 5 and 5:15 every morning.  And it doesn’t matter what time I go to bed.  I could turn in at 4:55 a.m. and I’d still wake up around 5!  My internal clock has no off switch, so there is never any need for an alarm.  I get more done by 10 a.m. than most people do all day because I am very productive in the early hours.  There is just something about being up before dawn that gets my juices flowing and my mind pumping.  I do most of my writing in the early morning hours because I tend to be more creative then.  As a matter of fact, it’s 5:52 a.m. at the very moment I am writing this!
So I just thought I’d ask you to give some thought to how your natural rhythm works.  It’s important because if you’re not a morning person, a job that demands you be at your best in the morning is a tough row to hoe.  Some people theorize this is why elementary and high school students struggle so much with learning.  They tend to be night creatures by nature, and school is primarily a morning experience when we are young.  Technically your natural bio rhythm is called your circadian rhythm.  It roughly describes the 24-hour physiological cycle in all living beings.  So, my request for you today is to simply give some thought to this phenomenon of nature.  Are you working with or against your nature?  That’s an important question if you want to maximize your potential and operate at full capacity.  For me, I love the morning!

How To Communicate With People: Seven Keys To Effective Communication

Everyone communicates, but learning how to communicate effectively requires skill. In order to become successful in business (or any aspect of life), it is important to develop proper communication skills. For some people, communicating is easy.

Some have a natural flair for communicating and a strong sense of confidence or charisma that endears them to others. Opening up in order to learn about another person takes very little effort.

But how does the rest of the population learn how to communicate with others? Let's start by exploring seven easy-to-follow steps.

Good people skills start with confidence. When a person has confidence, it shows. Confidence attracts others like a magnet because on some level, the attitude shows this person is worth the time and effort.

A strong sense of self moves quickly past the small talk and invites opportunity to reach the heart of the conversation without wasting time.

When using effective communication, one of the most important rules to follow is to look a person directly in the eyes. People who lack confidence tend to avoid eye contact. Avoiding eye contact shows disinterest or in a worst-case scenario, dishonesty.

When two people make eye contact, effective communication is possible. Eye contact also lends credibility to what you say.
Show Interest
Many people make the mistake of talking too much about themselves. Nothing kills a conversation quicker than rambling on about oneself. One of the best methods to learn how to communicate with people is to get them to talk about themselves instead of making them listen to you.

This helps the other person feel more at ease and boosts his or her confidence. On a more subtle level, it creates a situation where the other person feels obligated to reciprocate. The indulgence of talking places a person in the position of returning the favor and listening to you.

The Art of the Open-Ended Question
One of the quickest routes to awkward silence is asking questions that can be simply answered with yes or no. By asking a question that requires a more detailed answer, the other person has to elaborate and offer as much information as possible.

Why ask, "Are you enjoying yourself," when the question could be phrased, "What do you think of this party?"

Part of effective communication is learning how to phrase questions that make the other person think. One thing leads to another and in a short time, stories are shared and the ice is broken. 
Forget about the weather and definitely stay away from politics and religion! Comment on something the person is wearing. Does he have a detectable accent? If so, ask where he's from or take a guess, if the accent is recognizable enough.

Be careful though; don't rattle off a string of questions. This is a sure way to make someone feel uncomfortable. A conversation should not be an interrogation.

When asking someone's name, repeat it immediately. Saying a name aloud helps to cement it in the memory. Use the person's name often over the course of the conversation and remember to smile.

Listen Twice, Speak Once
Pablo Golub, author of "It's All a Damn Game" says, "You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Therefore, you should listen twice as much as you speak."

In relation to people skills, this means that while the other person is talking, give him or her your undivided attention. Don't get caught in the trap of thinking of what you're going to say next, what will happen later that day or any of the other tangents where the mind can wander.

Stay focused, absorb the information given, and find a way to follow up with a question relevant to the subject.
Take an active interest in what this person is interested in, and if it's a subject you know nothing about, you can use it to your advantage. Find out more about the subject.

Admit it is not a familiar topic. Would he mind telling you more about it? People love to share what they know and nothing increases confidence more than sharing a subject close to the heart.

When you discover a person's favorite topic, he will have no problem opening up to tell you all about it.

Knowledge Is Power
Effective communication begins and ends with knowledge. A well-rounded individual is a fascinating one. People who travel, read or are aware of current events are a joy to talk to. The more life experience a person has, the better he or she can relate to others.

People who travel have the ability to understand other cultures and people who read a lot often have a head full of topics to discuss and can adapt to any conversation.

A person who participates in multiple activities is sure to find common ground with someone else. Establish a bond and let the conversation flow.
Take a Risk
Another interesting point that Golub makes has to do with self-worth. He says that self-worth is synonymous with confidence and regardless of rejection, a person's self worth does not change. All too often, people are afraid to take a chance because they fear rejection. Rejection makes a person feel inferior.

In reality, rejection does not change one's self-worth. You are still the same person, as valuable and important as you were before you entered the conversation.

No one can take your self-worth away from you; only you can do that. Rejection is an illusion until it actually happens. Why spend time worrying about a "what if" situation?

Take a chance and keep trying for what you want. It's only a matter of time before you get it. The only way to learn how to communicate with people and to hone your skills is by practicing. Hanging back in the shadows and playing it safe leads nowhere.

Start Small

Learning how to communicate with people takes time to develop and everyone will advance at their own pace. Start small; become comfortable with each of these steps one at a time.
At its foundation, effective communication starts with confidence and this is the thread that binds everything else together. Each encounter helps to increase your confidence and diversify your experiences. A good place to practice these new people skills is the office or in the store.

After it has become easier to speak with peers, try talking to people in higher positions of power, such as managers. In no time, the skills you taught yourself regarding how to communicate with people will become second nature and won't require any thought at all. Talking to someone like the CEO of a major company will be a breeze.

Nobody ever said learning how to communicate with people would be easy. For some, mustering the confidence required will be a huge step.

This is probably the most difficult part, but once you take that step, the rest will fall into place. Have faith in yourself and know that you are as worthy as the next person.

Effective communication is an important skill everyone should know, as it is the key to future success and advancement in practically every aspect of life.
Test Your Social Skills IQ

Communication is the key to social skills, but when communication breaks down, social ineptitude takes on a life of its own. As children we were taught that it's not OK to blurt out derogatory names just because someone has upset us. We're not supposed to throw tamper tantrums when we can't have what we want, that sharing is smiled upon, while pushing and shoving to be first in line is not. Find out just how savvy you are with this social skills quiz.



Level Up Your Communication in Relationships With These 7 Tips

Communication can be a really tough thing, especially if it is with someone that you have been in a relationship with for a long time. People tend to get comfortable with each other and when that happens the levels of communication may start to decrease because you “know each other so well”.
I’ve been with my wife for 7 years (married for a little over 2 years) and we have had issues that every couple has had; assuming that each other knows something, miscommunication, lack of communication, and not taking time for communication. We fell into a comfortable routine in our life, and when that happened, our communication started to suffer.
SEE ALSO: 10 Things To Stop Doing in Your Relationships
So, don’t let comfortableness fool you; there is still communication issues that will come up if you don’t keep yourself open and honest and make an effort to communicate with your partner. Follow these simple tips to make sure that your communication in relationships is top notch.

1. Assuming

You have heard the old saying, “Assuming makes an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’”. Yes, it’s cheeky and kind of stupid, but it’s very true. It’s important in your relationship to not assume something unless it has been clearly laid out in some form of communication.
For instance, it’s assumed that I will take out the garbage every Tuesday night (oops, need to get on that), but only because my wife and I have a verbal contract that says so. If I don’t take out the garbage, then it is my fault. If there were no contract, the blame couldn’t really be passed to anyone. Sounds technical, but it happens all the time.
So, don’t assume, unless it has been laid out in a concrete way with your partner.

2. Say what you mean

If you have something to say in your relationship, then say it clearly and concisely. It’s important to tell the other person exactly what you mean, because if you don’t, they will create in their heads what they think you mean. And that is never a good situation to be in.
Just take some time to say what you mean, don’t rush your thoughts, and clarify your point if necessary.

3. Don’t shut up

If you have something to say, then say it. Don’t keep things bottled up inside, especially when something in the relationship is bothering you. Also, if you have something good to say about your partner, say it loud and often. People may not necessarily like to hear the truth all the time, but it’s an important communication skill to let the other person in the relationship know where you are at.

4. Think about her before yourself

“It’s all about me”. Yeah, that doesn’t work so well in a relationship.
While you shouldn’t let one side of the relationship have all the attention, it’s important to to let your other half have some attention before you get some. This shows that you actually care what they are doing in their lives and that you are interested in them.
Plus practicing a little selflessness every day can only make you a more sincere and empathetic person.

5. Don’t discourage conversation about feelings

Guys may be apprehensive about sharing what they feel at any given time (OK, anyone may be apprehensive), but if you really want to kick your communication into high gear share what your feelings are about the situtations that are going on in your life.
When I have shared what I truly felt with my wife, she was amazed and felt much more connected to me (and I with her). Talking about feelings sounds cliche, but don’t disregard it; it is important and it works.

6. Make communication time

At least once a day set aside some time to open the lines of communication with your partner. Basically shut down all the gizmos and just have a conversation. It may feel weird and somewhat uncomfortable at first, but the quality of the conversation will get better and better as time goes on.
Also, you will end up learning a bunch of things you never knew about your partner (yes, even after many years of being with them).

7. Make non-communication time

On the opposite side of this, make sure that you have scheduled time for not communicating. In other words, schedule a little “me time” every single day. This is great for introspection and reflection on your life and current situation. You can process feelings, worries, thoughts, etc. by yourself and then bring them to your partner during your own communication times.
Sometimes we need a little quiet to understand what is going on with us on the inside.
Communication is the most important thing in my marriage and many others. Don’t take it for granted and make sure to spend some serious time working on communication by following the tips above. Your relationships will only benefit from them.

How to Communicate Better in a Relationship

Do you find yourself getting angry when your partner fails to "just know" what you need? Communication requires efforts. This article provides a little help to get you started.

Communicate Better in a Relationship

1.       Practice intercourse. In today's vernacular, that usually means physical bedroom activity, but the root of the word really means to interact on a deeper level. Being intimate has a more significant meaning than being physical. It's about seeing into another person and trying to create a space in your mind for your partner's words, body language, or actions.

2.       Learn to pay attention to the other person's clues. Your partner might not directly address his or her feelings on a certain topic, but there may be plenty of non-verbal clues. Sometimes body language can convey more than actual words. If you are caught in a misunderstanding, it's important to establish your willingness to communicate.

3.       Learn to say what you mean. We've heard the jokes about intent versus actual dialogue -- when she says "this" she really means that -- or, "what he's really trying to tell you is..." Those jokes are funny because of how often they're true. Sometimes we expect our partner to understand our hidden meanings, but wishing or relying on this isn't fair or effective. Instead, lay out your thoughts directly.

4.       Learn to say what you want in a way your partner can really understand. Be specific. For example, instead of offering alternatives to your boyfriend's plans to bring you to a party, tell him the truth: that you just don't want to face all those people after a tough week at work, followed by, "I'm sorry to say that I'm just not in a party mood tonight." Directly laying out your thoughts eliminates resentment and confusion about your motives.

5.       Put yourself in your partner's place. Use the power of imagination to fully envision what your partner's perspective might be in a given situation. Be aware that there might be factors you don't know about

6.       Encourage your partner to freely express the roots of his or her thoughts and feelings.
·                "I'm trying to understand, but I'm not getting there. Am I doing something to upset you?" "No." "Is someone else doing something to upset you?" "No." "Are you just upset?" "Yes." "With me?" "No. Not really." You're narrowing it down. It seems like a lot of effort, but it may be worth it in the end.
·                Allow your partner the freedom to work through internal conflicts.

7.      Proactively address problems and misunderstandings between you and your partner. Both members of the relationship can offer solutions until you find one that is mutually acceptable. A true compromise is one in which both partners feel that their thoughts and feelings are addressed while adhering to real constraints: feasibility, time, cost, etc.

8.      Lighten up. Find time together to just have fun. Do things that both of you really enjoy, including the unexpected. Dive into new things together and reawaken a sense of wonder.

9.      Talk about subjects that the other person loves to hear about. Whenever you communicate in a relationship, it builds bonds and trust and also you may find a mutual interest. So you should not talk about things that the other person doesn't really like to talk about or a subject they are uncomfortable about.